Abheka Holdings (Pty) Ltd is a level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) micro-enterprise.



Abheka Holdings (Pty) Ltd is a level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) micro-enterprise scheme established in 2012.

This vehicle is run independently by the Board of Directors and invests in property and other assets. Abheka Holdings (Pty) Ltd is the risk taking vehicle. Our strategy is to ensure that we meet the benchmarked industry standards and create more value through pursuing investment opportunities. We aim to maintain our professional integrity by providing our clients with quality and competitive services.

We also serve as an enabler for Enterprise Development initiatives through receiving grants from various donors, and are therefore able to implement, monitor, mentor and provide access to markets to black entrepreneurs.



This vehicle is run independently by the Board of Directors and invests in property, fuel, ICT and other assets.

We also serve as an enabler for Enterprise Development initiatives through receiving grants from various donors, and are therefore able to implement, monitor, mentor and provide access to markets to black entrepreneurs.

The board of Abheka is constituted of 50% black non-executives and 50% independent executive directors.



Londiwe Mthembu

Mrs Londiwe Mthembu holds a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning and a Post Graduate Diploma: Management in the field of Business Administration through Wits Business School. She has over 10 years working experience in policy development and infrastructure development space in public sector. She is the Managing Director of the AGF.

Londiwe Mthembu

Mr Mabuse Moja holds a BSc Property Studies (Honors) degree from the University of the Witwatersrand and has ten years’ experience in the property industry. Mabuse holds experience in the disciplines of property valuations and asset management with a particular focus towards listed property, this acquired in his time across both Nedbank Corporate and Investec Bank Limited.

Londiwe Mthembu

Mr Themba Nyembezi is an MBA candidate and holds a BSc Honours from the University of Westminster in London. Themba is a corporate finance executive at Safika Holdings Ltd. In this capacity he oversees the activities of several Safika subsidiaries and partner companies.



We would love to hear from you. Write to us about any queries or feedback you have and we will get in touch as soon as possible.
